To help you make an informed decision about your funeral service options, we’ve broken down all the costs in our general price list. We also have several payment options to lessen the financial burden. If you have any questions, please reach out, as our staff is happy to help you explore all your options.
Download Our General Pricelist
Payment Options
We don't want your family to feel like you must settle on arrangement options due to your financial circumstances. That’s why we have multiple online payment options to help you plan the funeral that your loved one deserves:
- Online Payments We accept payments online via all major credit cards — Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You can use our online payment platform to conveniently and securely pay by a credit card.With eChecks, or ACH payments, you can transfer funds directly from your bank account to pay for funeral services.
- Crowdfunding We offer crowdfunding for funeral services, memorial funds, and other expenses. We have all the features of other major crowdfunding sites with less fees.
- Life Insurance If your loved one has a life insurance policy you want to use for funeral expenses, please reach out to us. We can get a portion of your claim funded immediately instead of waiting 30-90 days for the insurance companies to pay out. We’ll also handle all the paperwork, saving you time and stress.
- Financial Hardship Hill and Wood Funeral Service, Inc. has always, and will continue to work with families that have special financial situations. These financial situations must be told to your funeral director prior to completing arrangements. Not all options are available to families asking for accommodation.
- Third Party Financing Hill and Wood would suggests selecting funeral arrangements within your means BEFORE choosing financing. Approval and receipt of funds must occur before services can be set. Please ask your funeral director for details. Hill and Wood does not offer in-house financing and cannot control the approval process or rates offered to you. This option should only be used if no other option is available to you.
Payments made the day of arrangments by cash, or with a check may be eligable for a 4% discount. Discount is not applicable to third party charges such as flowers, obituaries, etc.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want more information.